BPC Lockdown League Week 32 Results
In Week 32 of the British Pistol Club's AGM, it is Jeremy Pitman who returns to the fray with an excellent 390 in the Senior Men, throwing down the gauntlet to Matt Reed in second place. Imogen Reed and Joe Baker are uncontested in their classifications as Lockdown 2 and dark evenings takes their toll on range time. Andy Bowman scores a well-earned victory in his head to head with Nigel Wilmot in the 6yd competition. Finally, in the ever eventful Junior Women it is again a very close fight between (a 4 point spread over the top 4) with Lucinda Evans taking this week's win, just ahead of Raissa Vickery.
The next results will be published on Monday 23rd November. Please make sure your scores are submitted before 0900 on Monday morning. You can enter as many scores as you like, your highest will be entered in the League.
For any questions, contact the BPC Secretary
More information on competing in the Lockdown League or